가벼운 기타 추천 리스트 정리
Light Weight Guitar Seek list
얼마전에 1.9kg짜리 베이스 구입성공, 이 여세를 몰아서 ㅎㅎ
늙어서도 취미 생활을 하려면 척추에 무리가 안가는 기타가 필수
이번에는 기타 수배, 팬더기타도 3.5kg이 넘음,
2kg대의 기타를 찾기 시작
기타 무게 비교 http://codens.info/127
* Traveler Guitar EG-1 : 3 lbs 15 oz, 1.8 kg (1,786 g)
- 프론트 픽업이 없어서 산타나톤(꽁꽁톤)은 힘들겠네
Traveler Guitar EG-1 Standard Electric Travel Guitar with Gig Bag (Red) - $480

* Traveler Guitar EG-2 , 5 lbs 5 oz, 2.4 kg (2,409 g)
- 5lb , 2.3 kg
- 프론트 픽업있음, 2만원 차이뿐 , 623 g을 어떻게 해야 하나, 고민중
http://www.amazon.com/Traveler-Guitar-Electric-Travel-Sunburst/dp/B004R1PNNC - $500
http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/k-gakki/item/tra-eg2/?s-id=borderless_browsehist_02_en - $450

* YAMAHA RGX A2 (2005) : 2.5 kg, 68만, 톤 노브 없음

- 2006 ~ 2016 (현재 단종이라고는 하는데 판매중)
Yamaha RGX
Yamaha RGX121Z (2012) - 2.5kg , $300 , 50만

* Hofner Shorty Electric Travel Guitar : ?? - $150
- 무게 검색이 안됨
* Traveler Guitar Ultra-Light Electric : 3 lb, 1.4kg - $300
- 볼륨 노브 없음
Parker - 5lb, 2.5kg - 너무 비쌈 ㅠ.ㅠ
- Fly Deluxe - 420만
- Fly Mojo - 330만
- NiteFly : RF722 - 190만
- MaxxFly : DF824 - 400만
DF724 - 2.7kg, 250만, DF524 -250만
- PDF : PDF105 - 60~90만 - 중국, 악명 높음
Fender Telecaster Thinline
펜더 텔레케스터 씬라인 - 100만 ~ 300만
무게 , 2.75~2.9kg (6.5lb)

* Hohner G3T : 2.2kg , - $626, 82만
- ?? Weight 2580g , 5.6 lbs
- ?? 5.9 Lbs (2.68 Kg)
- 스위치 너무 많음
* Steinberger
- Spirit GT-PRO standard : 7 lb - $400
- Spirit GT-PRO Deluxe : 7 lb - $420
- Synapse SS-2F : 6.2 lb , 2.8kg - $880
Gibson Les Paul Melody Maker 6.73 lbs
Telecaster Thinline : 7.4lbs.
Jackson Dinky EC-50
Gibson SG
Gibson USA SG Standard - 2.89kg
Gibson USA 2018 SG Junior (픽업1개)- (5.7lbs , 2.59kg) 2.81kg
2006 Gibson SG Classic 7.10 lbs.
2006 Gibson SG '61 7.40 lbs.
2001 Gibson SG '61 with Maestro 7.50 lbs.
2006 GIbson SG Custom with Maestro 8.0 lbs (returned to dealer)
1969 Gibson SG Standard with Lyre & vibrola arm: 3.41 kg = 7.52 lbs
2007 Gibson SG Standard: 3.14 kg = 6.92 lbs
2011 Gibson SG 50th Anniv. Standard 24: 3.31 kg = 7.3 lbs
스트랜드버그 Strandberg Boden Prog NX 7 - 2.5kg

Epiphone Casino Guitar , 6.2lb, 3kg
Epiphone '61 Reissue Casino - 6.2 lbs
Ibanez JS1600, Ibanez JS2000 or a Parker.
K-Line S-style - under 6 lbs.
Taylor T5
PRS HB II - 300만
How Much Do Guitars Weigh (47 Examples of Every Type)
Gibson SG - 6lbs (2.7kg)
Gibson Melody Maker 5.5 – 7lbs (2.5 – 3.1kg)
Epiphone SG 6 – 7lbs (2.7 – 3.1kg)
Epiphone Casino 6 – 7lbs (2.7 – 3.1kg)
Gretsch G2622T Streamliner 6 – 7lbs (2.7 – 3.1kg)
How Much Do Guitars Weigh (47 Examples of Every Type)
Gibson SG - 6lbs (2.7kg)
Gibson Melody Maker 5.5 – 7lbs (2.5 – 3.1kg)
Epiphone SG 6 – 7lbs (2.7 – 3.1kg)
Epiphone Casino 6 – 7lbs (2.7 – 3.1kg)
Gretsch G2622T Streamliner 6 – 7lbs (2.7 – 3.1kg)
뮤직맨 Music Man
Ernie Ball Music Man’s weight is around 6 pounds (2.7 kg)?? 주장
- 실제
Music Man 일렉기타 Majesty 6 (611-J6-50-00) - 3.04kg
Music Man 일렉기타 JP15 (661-EZ-10-00) - 3.33kg
Music Man 일렉기타 Stingray - 3.65kg
Music Man 일렉기타 Luke III BFR 908 B2 RD 00 - 3.39kg
나무 재질 별 무게
Swamp Ash: used for bodies, density: 880-1100 lbs / m3 or 400-500 kg / m3
Alder: used for bodies, density: 990-1210 lbs / m3 or 450-550 kg / m3
Basswood: used for bodies, density: 1170-1230 lbs / m3 or 530-560 kg / m3
Maple: used for necks, fingerboards and bodies, density: 1210-1540 lbs / m3 or 550-700 kg / m3
Mahogany: used for bodies and necks, density: 1255-1320 lbs / m3 or 570-600 kg / m3
Ash: used for bodies, density: 1320-1435 lbs / m3 or 600-650 kg / m3
Walnut: used for necks, fingerboards and bodies, density 1340-1430 lbs / m3 or 610-650 kg / m3
Rosewood: used for fingerboards mainly, and in necks and bodies, density: 1985 lbs / m3 or 900 kg / m3
Ebony: used for fingerboards, density: 2315 lbs / m3 or 1,050 kg / m3
Kiri or Paulownia: used for bodies, density: 585-615 lbs / m3 or 265-280 kg / m3
Okume: used for bodies, density: 990 lbs / m3 or 440 kg / m3
Sycamore -European Maple-: used for necks and fingerboards, density: 1355-1410 lbs / m3 or 615-640 kg / m3
Mahogany Sapele: used for bodies and necks, density: 1500-1520 lbs / m3 or 680-690 kg / m3
Acajou or African Mahogany: used for bodies and necks, density: 1120-1250 lbs / m3 or 510-570 kg / m3
Poplar: used for bodies, density: 990 lbs / m3 or 450 kg / m3
So the ones under 7 pounds back in that thread are (straight copy and pastes, obviously not all mine):
Rick Kelly Bowery Tele, and it's only 6.8 pounds
The 6 pounders are my two Thinlines and a PRS Korina Mira.
My chambered mahogany Esquire is my lightest @5.2lbs
tele - 6.5
7lbs8oz . . . . . . . . .5lbs12oz . . . . . . . . . 8lbs2oz . . . . . . . . 5lbs14oz . . . . . . . 8lbs3oz
sg = 6.2lbs
SG Junior: 6.70 lbs
my '46 Gibson J-45. It's only 4.4 lbs
PRS Hollowbody Spruce 5.5
the Gretsch G6118T and wow - the same weight as my Pine Tele - 6.8 lbs
p-wood parts tele = 5.75
prs hollow spruce = 5.5
eastman t146 = 6.5
indonesia bullet strat = 6.5
rogue violin bass = 6.5
my near 5.5lb schaefer archtop
'52 RI tele - weighed only 6.4 lbs
Zachary Padauk - 6.0 lbs
Lightest - 52 Thin Skin Tele - 6.14lbs
PRS SE Semi: 5.4lbs
the ES-345 and yowza it's 6.8lbs
Hofner Club, Danelectro '67, Danelectro U2: 5.5 lb
Tele '69 Mahogany: 6.25 lb
61 SG 6.5
Alvarez Dread is about 5 lbs, wish I could find some kind of Tele type guitar about 6-7 pounds
2 Parker Niteflys that are both probably around 6-7 lbs
K-Line Tele = 6.5 lbs.
Hohner G2T. 5 lbs if that much.
Eric Johnson Strats , 300만
Parker Fly 400만
Gibson SG Standards - 7.7 lbs.
Epiphone Cornet series
MusicMan Silhouette , 6 lbs, 5 oz (2.86 kg) 300만
SG Junior - 애기
PRS SE Semi - 5.5lb , 3.75kg, 80만
PRS SE Semi-hollow
Squier Classic Vibe Thinline Tele
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